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The entheogens are here to help us remember who we truly are. They give us the key to unlock the inner wisdom that guides our own unique healing process. They reveal our shadows and traumas that lead to dis-ease, physical or mental illness, and addiction. They help us release suppressed emotions, eliminate limiting beliefs, and rewire our thought processes. Entheogens will illuminate us from within and help us discover the highest vibration of our Self so we can experience beauty, presence, and joy.


If you are interested in receiving my expert advice on what entheogens might be right for you, you must schedule a consultation with me. A doctor would not prescribe a medication without a proper assessment of the patient. Be wary of any practitioner who will serve you medicine without a proper evaluation! I do not give free phone consultations for this service. 



The Children of Light

We have a vast array of mushroom friends showing up to help us heal. Magic mushrooms contain the ingredient psilocybin, which enables us to go deeper within our own being to discover our true authentic Self. They are known as the "saint children" or "children of the light" and help us connect to our magical child as well as our own divinity. Known as Teonancatl in central America, they are often taken as a sacrament, as the "flesh of Christ" or the "flesh of God." They work to heal the physical body and help us to rewire the nervous system and improve cognitive functioning, as well as helping us to embody Christ Consciousness. Mushrooms tend to be more gentle and playful than other entheogens and have their own unique way of helping us to grow, heal, and evolve. When we have the right set and setting, and work with mushrooms in an intentions way and a ceremonial setting, everything from ego death to deep somatic release may take place. This is why who serves you this medicine or holds the space for you is just as important as withh any other sacred medicine.  Microdosing is very popular now and can be very effective, often used to wean off of antidepressants. Ceremonial and therapeutic use (vs. recreational use) with larger doses is also gaining in popularity. There are many strains of magic mushrooms, so having a guide who knows which strain is best for you and can help guide your intention is optimal. I can serve as a guide to help you decide if mushrooms are right for you and help you find safe and legal ways to work with this medicine.



The Vine of the Soul

Ayahuasca is often known as the "vine of the soul" or the "vine of the dead." This is because ayahuasca is so powerful in helping us to shed ego-identities that keep us from our true Self. She has a feminine spirit, often known as "Mother" or "Grandmother," and she can sometimes be gentle and can often be ruthless in helping us to uncover traumas and shadows. She has her own unique way of speaking to us and showing us what we need to see. The Ayahuasca vine is prepared in a bitter-tasting brew with a DMT-containing plant, usually chacruna. It is ingested and the effects are generally felt in 30-60 minutes. Ceremonies tend to last six to eight hours. This medicine works deeply on the physical body, and purging through vomiting or stooling is common. A safe sacred container and proper preparation, including a"dieta,"a restricted diet for one to two weeks, is imperative when working with this medicine. There are also many contraindications and this can result in disastrous consequences if we do not pay attention to this. There are many types of ayahuasca being served today via various lineages, shamans, and western practitioners. Some are serving the more masculine brew known as "yage." Some use fire and indigenous songs while others use western songs in various settings. It is important to understand there are many unsafe ceremonies and "shamans" serving this medicine who do not have proper training. This can result in creating more trauma. I have experienced and co-facilitated countless ceremonies and prefer the Peruvian way of the Shipibo and Mestizo. I also love ceremonies and songs from the Huni Kuin and Yawanawa. My deep love and connection for Mother Aya is always guiding me and I am happy to serve as a guide as you decide what type of safe and legal ceremony might be best for you. Proper integration and preparation is of extreme importance with ayahausca and I can serve as a guide through this process as well.



The Toad of Dawn

Bufo, also known as "sapito," is one of the most powerful entheogens available to us today. This medicine is harvested from the toad that inhabits the Sonoran Desert. It carries the frequency of Christ-Consciousness, or the pure Source love and compassion. Bufo contains 5-meO-DMT, known as the "God molecule," and can serve as a rocket ship to Source energy. Bufo will also show us our shadows and our traumas and relay important messages about our healing and spiritual journey. Because it is inhaled, it works very quickly and ceremonies are shorter in duration, anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. Because it works so deeply and so quickly, it often requires a more lengthy preparation and integration process. There are also many contraindications with bufo, and close attention must be paid to this to ensure a safe ceremony. There are many "bufo practitioners" today and some attain a "certification" over a 5 day period that requires no other shamanic training or experience with entheogens. I see many people in my practice who take on more trauma after receiving medicine from unhealthy or inadequately trained practitioners. Many people are offering group ceremonies these days and I find them to be suboptimal in their power and sometimes dangerous. It is always best to find a server who will be with you from start to finish and has training in other healing modalities. I have spent countless ceremonies alongside my master teacher in Mexico working this medicine. It has had profound healing effects for me personally. When served properly, in the appropriate set and setting, with an experienced practitioner, bufo can be a phenomenal medicine for healing. It can help heal past traumas and addiction, release suppressed emotions, rewire faulty programming, illuminate our shadows, and connect us to the pure voice of Creator Source energy. I am here to help you discern if bufo is right for you and can help guide you to safe and legal practitioners.



The Loving Grandfather

Huachuma is a cactus entheogen also known as "San Pedro" or "Saint Peter," because he opens the gates of heaven. Unlike his cousin Peyote, who grows very close to the ground, Huachuma reaches high towards the sky, and soaks in Source energy through the crown. Sitting with Huachuma is like sitting with a loving grandfather who has much wisdom to share. Huachuma is known as an empathogen. He softens the heart and helps us to see through the eyes of the heart. He is often taken in the ceremony days after Ayahuasca, as he can rub the salve in some of the rawness we may feel after Mama Aya. He is a great natural alternative to MDMA and is also wonderful for microdosing. I can help you determine if Huachuma is a good medicine for you and help you find safe and legal sources and ceremonies. I can also guide you on microdosing with this sacred medicine.

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